How Long Do You Need to See an Auto Accident Chiropractor?

Car accidents can damage more than our vehicles. Every year, thousands of Kingwood area residents and Houstonians are injured or disabled after being in a car wreck.  Don't take your health and car accident injuries lightly. You might not even realize the extent of your injuries until weeks after the accident, some of the most severe symptoms, says Dr. Hamel, start showing up 1-2 weeks after the actual accident Instead of waiting for that pain to appear, consider visiting an auto accident chiropractor. These chiropractors are trained to help patients who have sustained injuries after a whiplash injury. You might need a spinal alignment, physical therapy exercises, pain shots, shockwave therapy or even surgery if your back and neck pain is severe.

Asking yourself, "How long should I go to the chiropractor or get treatment after my accident?" "If my car was a total write off does that mean my injuries are significant?" "Should I just suck it up and deal with my back pain and headaches; I think I can live with this pain", "My insurance company is stressing me out, I don't know if I want to file an injury claim with them?” There are so many questions to ask and get answers to; it can be a real headache.  Dr. Hamel has been treating whiplash injury patients for over 24 years, he has experience dealing with insurance companies, and your injuries, he will give you straight up answers to your questions about the severity of your injuries and what kind of care you need to get fixed and back to normal. 

In a short answer, yes. Most new car accident patients coming in to Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness are dealing with severe pain and symptoms such as headaches, neck pain, neck and back sprains, whiplash injury, spinal misalignments, extremity pain and even numbness/tingling in the arms or legs. 

Remember, you might not realize you're in pain until weeks after your accident. Visiting a car accident chiropractor immediately following your accident allows you to start healing immediately, there is no reason not to get chiropractic therapy right after a car wreck, once you have been cleared for fracture or concussion. 

Many car crash victims experience body aches and sore muscles following their accident. During impact of the crash, your body undergoes a tremendous whiplash force; it is such a shock to your spine, unlike anything else you will ever experience.  The pressure on your spine, and musculature around you spine is significant and often times damage to the spinal joints and tears in muscle and ligaments happens. The reason patients are in so much pain after a car accident is due to the misalignments of the spine, pressure on nerves, muscle spasm and severe inflammation. However, due to your body being in shock, you might not notice your muscles are sprained or injured until a few days after the accident. The adrenaline rush from the crash can easily mask your pain, when your body finally starts to come back into equilibrium, this is when you start to feel all the symptoms and pains of the car accident injuries.  Even if you have little scrapes and bruises go in for a car accident evaluation, with chiropractic testing and thermal scans; car accident chiropractor Dr. Hamel can see damage and inflammation in areas that you might not think are injured. Additional symptoms that might show up right after the accident or later include:

  • Headaches- could be migraine or tension headaches from severe muscle tension and spinal misalignments.
  • Numbness and tingling- into the arms, hands, legs and feet; usually means nerve irritation.
  • Anxiety and stress- the body is in shock after a whiplash injury, being stressed about pain, taking care of your car, insurance and other things can add up. 
  • Dizziness- because of the nature of whiplash injuries you may experience the room spinning when moving your neck or back quickly. 
  • Weakness in your neck, back, or extremities

These symptoms could indicate your spine is out of alignment and nerves are being irritated. Visiting an auto accident chiropractor following your car wreck can help you avoid permanent damage, it sounds scary but it you don't do therapy to allow the body to heal and repair itself; it usually won't do it on its own. Dr. Hamel makes the comment that neglecting to get treatment after a car wreck can definitely come back to haunt you down the road, spinal injuries and misalignments just don't heal very well on their own, and this can show up as chronic back pain, neck pain and even arthritis in the future.

You might experience a number of injuries as a result of your car crash. Your medical doctor or emergency room doctor might refer you to a chiropractor right away to check for muscle or spinal injuries. If you go to the emergency room after your accident, they will often tell you to go to a chiropractor or physical therapist to get your car accident injuries treated. Medical doctors can give you pain medicine and muscle relaxers which will help you feel better but that actually doesn't fix the injuries to your spine, ligaments, muscles or nerves. Soft tissue injuries are a big deal says Dr. Hamel; with whiplash injuries there is always damage or even mini tearing of the muscles and ligament of the spine; the problem is that you cannot see this on X-ray or CT scan. If left untreated, these soft tissue injuries can turn into scar tissue which is very inflexible and painful. Car accident injuries usually require considerable chiropractic treatments but how about the average, regular Joe or Jane, who is active, has hobbies and a lot of postural stress; should they get chiropractic care?

Many people fail to recognize the benefits of visiting a chiropractor for preventative care. During your chiropractor visits, your chiropractor can identify misalignments, postural stress and muscle spasm. When the spine is aligned the neck and back are a lot happier and also nervous system stress is less. Remember that the spine protects the spinal cord and nervous system; so the health of the spine determines the health of the nervous system; this alone is reason to get maintenance or preventative care chiropractic adjustments. We see patients all the time who work on computers and have tremendous postural stress says Dr. Hamel; many of these patients don't realize how much discomfort they have until they get adjusted and get rid of all that pressure in the spine.  Unfortunately, many Houstonians have gotten used to living with some sort of pain and discomfort; this should not be the case; get your spine realigned and your nervous system reset with chiropractic care.  Visiting a chiropractor after a car accident early on can help reduce your overall number of doctor visits. As a result, you're saving money in the long-run.

Going to the chiropractor after a car accident can help you deal with minor injuries as soon as possible. These injuries can get worse and even impact your mental health. Investing the time into getting treatment right after a car wreck will prove very helpful in the long run. Minor injuries that don't heal can turn into bigger problems like spinal joint and disc degeneration, migraine headaches, reversing of spinal curves and even surgeries.  For example, shoulder pain can turn into rotator cuff impingement or frozen shoulder which can be almost unbearable pain and discomfort. Back pain can get worse over time turning into a disc herniation or Sciatica.  Dr. Hamel tells his patients, usually the progression is for back or neck pain to get worse and cause more serious injury; it's like getting a cavity, not taking care of it and eventually needed a root canal or worse yet an implant.  Most conditions, when left untreated end up being more serious in the long run.  Don't think about acting tough, put your pride and ego aside, if you have pain after a car wreck; listen to your body and do something about it. Visit an auto accident chiropractor to speed up your healing process; your spine, your body and your mind with be thankful you decided to give it some TLC and get better. 

If you experience severe pain after the car wreck, you'll probably head to the emergency room as soon as possible. You might get an X-ray, MRI or CT scan and some doctors will recommend cortisone shots, pain medication and muscle relaxers.  If your injury is serious enough maybe even surgery!  At Hamel Chiropractic, Dr. Hamel says he has seen some car accident patients come in with severe pain, they can hardly sit down, stand up, or bend over; the pain is intense but it is not uncommon.  The body is in a state of shock, it is freaking out says Dr. Hamel, nerves feel like they are on fire, you might have a pulsating headache that won't go away; even taking strong prescription medicine sometimes doesn't touch the pain. These folks, as long as they don't have a concussion or fracture, need chiropractic therapy right away; they need healing to begin as soon as possible. 

Each year, over one hundred thousand drivers in the Kingwood and Houston area, experience serious and permanent injuries after a car accident. Many of these drivers people experience the long-term effects of whiplash months afterward, especially if they do not get the treatment and therapy they need. 

The severe and chronic pain you experience is often the result of whiplash, joint damage and nerve irritation. If left untreated, minor whiplash can cause major joint wear and tear, chronic pain and inflammation.  Don't wait until weeks after the accident to see a chiropractor. Whiplash can cause your neck and back to become sore and stiff. You might even become immobile for months, this is why you see some patients walking around with a neck brace for months; they can hardly hold their head up because their neck muscles are so weak and damaged from a car wreck. Chiropractic adjustments can help free your joints and vertebrae from pressure, stress and inflammation, reversing the damage done by a whiplash accident. 

How often you need to visit a chiropractor will depend on the severity of your issues, patients visit a chiropractor for different amounts of time depending on their medical history, what type of treatments or therapy they have already received and their goals or reasons why they want to get treatment to feel better. 

For example, if you have whiplash, you'll need to visit a chiropractor until your symptoms are alleviated.  Your spine is actually injured and the joints damaged with a car accident so it takes some time to restore your health to pre-accident status, don't quit too early, make sure you feel little to no pain when you are doing the things you love to do on a daily basis. If you only experienced minor injuries and soreness, you might only need a few weeks of treatment. Dr. Hamel has car accident patients who are released after 8 weeks and others who are released after 6 months; it just depends on the severity of their injuries and how well and quickly they respond to the chiropractic care. 

Do you have a chronic neck or back injury that's causing recurring symptoms? If so, don't stop seeing your auto accident chiropractor entirely.  Instead, speak to your doctor about your progress. They can help you determine when you can reduce how often you visit. Your chiropractor will periodically do re-evaluations to see how you are progressing; they want to measure changes over time in your pain level, your range of motion, strength, how well you can function during the day at work, at home, playing with your kids or for your hobbies.  Just ask your chiropractor when you should stop your therapy; you have to work together with your doctor to make sure you are reaching your treatment goals; once this is complete you will be released. 

Generally, no, you can't go to a chiropractor too often. The idea is to get chiropractic treatments frequently when your pain or symptoms are severe, when you start to get results then the doctor will decrease your treatment frequency. Make sure to communicate any changes you experience when you visit your chiropractor.  Using chiropractic adjustments, muscle releasing techniques and corrective exercises helps our patients heal and feel better week after week, if this is not happening the treatment might have to be altered or the patient may have to be referred to another type of doctor for further evaluation and imaging. 

After you have completed a chiropractic treatment plan for your auto accident injuries it is recommended that you get maintenance adjustments to help you stay in alignment and keep healthy, once a month is usually a good maintenance care plan for most patients. 

Try to work a reasonable schedule between yourself and your chiropractor. You want to visit often enough to ease your symptoms and help your body recover. For serious whiplash injured patients Dr. Hamel recommends getting chiropractic care 3X per week for a couple of weeks, some patients actually come in every day for the first week of care; they need to get pressure released from their spine and muscles to start the healing process.  Dr. Hamel tells his patients to let him know when they feel well enough and healed enough to stop care, getting back to pre-accident status is important says Dr. Hamel. 

Everyone wants to get out of pain, but for most patients they want to get back to their daily routine, being active, working or other hobbies and feeling little to no pain; they deserve this. As the patient is progressing with their car accident treatments they no longer have to come in so often; the frequency of visits decreases until the point where the patient is released.

Don't let a small car accident cause major health problems. Instead, take the time to schedule an appointment with an auto accident chiropractor. They can help ensure your injuries don't lead to a chronic pain condition. 
Ready to receive the care you need? Learn more about car accident treatments today from Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness.


1. How soon after a car accident should I see a chiropractor?

  • It's advisable to see a chiropractor as soon as possible after an accident, ideally within the first 72 hours as long as a concussion or fracture has been ruled out. Early assessment and treatment can help prevent the development of chronic spinal problems and injuries as well as making sure you are pain free when doing activities or hobbies.

2. What types of symptoms can a chiropractor treat after a car accident?

  • Chiropractors can treat a variety of symptoms associated with auto accidents, including neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, disc herniations, migraines, dizziness, reduced range of motion, and muscle spasms. Chiropractors focus on the musculoskeletal system and work to realign the spine and alleviate pressure on the nervous system which allows healing to happen.

3. How long will I need to see a chiropractor for treatment after being involved in an auto accident?

  • The duration of treatment varies depending on the severity of your injuries and your body's response to treatment. Some patients might see significant improvement within a few weeks, while others may require months of care. Some of our patients who have serious whiplash injuries may get treatment for 6+ months while others only 2 months; Dr. Hamel says patients deserve to get back to how they were feeling before the whiplash accident.

4. Is chiropractic care covered by insurance after a car accident?

  • In many cases, chiropractic care is covered by auto insurance policies if it is deemed medically necessary due to a car accident. At Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness we accept all PIP, (personal injury protection) insurance from auto policy’s from Geico, USAA, Farmers, Travelers, Nationwide, Allstate, Progressive and more. There are policy limits that covers all medical treatment after a car accident which are $2500, $5000, $7500 or $10000; you have to check with your insurance company and ask them. For those car accident victims who do not have PIP insurance, Dr. Hamel accepts regular medical insurance from Blue Cross Blue Shield and Aetna

5. What should I bring to my first chiropractic appointment after a car accident?

  • For your first appointment, bring any relevant medical records, the report of the accident, and your insurance information. Also, prepare to discuss your current symptoms, any previous injuries or chronic conditions, and the details of the accident, like speed of accident, damage to vehicles and how your symptoms are changing. This information will help your chiropractor understand your case and devise an appropriate treatment plan to help you get out of pain and get your life back.

Author: Dr. Tyler Hamel

Hamel Chiropractic and Wellness